
Media Mentions

NPR  ·  Discover  ·  National Geographic  ·  Scientific American  ·  Gizmodo  ·  Wired  ·  Popular Mechanics  ·  Boing Boing  ·  Wikipedia  ·  Physics World  ·  The Guardian  ·  Nautilus  ·  The Boston Globe  ·  The New Yorker  ·  The Smithsonian Magazine  ·  Science Friday  ·  City Lab  ·  Daily Mail  ·  Huffington Post  ·  Slate  ·  WNYC  ·  Radiolab  ·  American Mathematical Society  ·  Mathematical Association of American  ·  Tested  ·  Kottke  ·  WHYY  ·  Big Think  ·  Science Alert  ·  Livemint  ·  Ars Technica  ·  IndiaSpend  ·  Nerdist

Media Appearances & Interviews

Book Citations

My work has been referenced or mentioned in the following books.